Loose motions are distressing, inconvenient, and exhausting. Home remedies like coconut water and over-the-counter medications can help manage this condition at home. However, home remedies may fail to provide relief, and the symptoms may worsen over time.
It Can be caused by bacterial infections, viral infections, parasitic infections, or autoimmune problems such as inflammatory bowel diseases. It can also be caused by tuberculosis, colon cancer, and enteritis. In healthy individuals, too much magnesium or vitamin C or undigested lactose can produce osmotic diarrhea and distention of the bowel. A person who has lactose intolerance can have difficulty absorbing lactose after an extraordinarily high intake of dairy products.
There are several home remedies for diarrhoea that are quite effective for treating mild cases at home. Treatment of diarrhoea may include medication, rehydration, antibiotics, etc., based on its severity and cause. You may want to avoid dairy products like cottage cheese and cheese while suffering from diarrhoea.
Carrots are an excellent source of energy during the time of loose motions. Lactose is the sugar in milk – large amount of population cannot absorb lactose and therefore the Gut bacteria turns it to gas. Main symptoms of this is large amounts of gas, loose stools and stomach bloating. Starts generally at the age of 4 to 5 ; mostly runs in the family. You can have well cooked rice in your diet, make sure you are not vomiting or having nausea. You can continue eating rice for next 24 to 48 hours till you get over with loose motions.
Drumstick Leaves
And also aids in restoring the lost pH balance due to loose motions. Blueberry Tea is a common home remedy for digestive problems. As blueberries are rich in antioxidants like anthocyanins and polyphenols, they heal the digestive system. Also, its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties help get rid of the bad bacteria. Prepare a well-brewed cup of tea with two teaspoons of blueberry root powder.
Make a paste of Nutmeg by grinding it with water and give it to baby. Most effective way to manage dehydration at home is to prepare ORS Solution. Suspected Dehydration ; No urine for 8 hours / dark urine, very dry mouth and no tears. – less common, but can occur if child touches dirty surfaces and puts the hand in mouth. Reduce the use of baby wipes while your baby has diarrhea and use a diaper rash cream.
Mint and Honey
Their incapability to digest them can prompt loose motions. For example, people who are intolerant to lactose can experience loose motions on consuming milk or additional dairy products. Similarly, individuals can be intolerant to fructose in fruits. This is used as a remedy in many health issues, ACV has great anti-bacterial properties and fights infectious bacteria in the stomach. Add 2 Teaspoon of ACV with a glass of water and serve 2 times a day. Arrowroot is another form of powdered starch which is a good supplement to tackle loose motions in children.

Apart from watery and loose bowels, symptoms of loose motion may include bloating, cramps, and pain in the abdomen. Eating freshly crushed ginger sprinkled with salt is an excellent loose motion home remedy. It also helps ease stomach pain caused due to frequent loose motions. Squeeze out the ginger juice in a spoon and add a pinch of salt to it.
This may help relax an upset tummy by eliminating any infection-causing loose motion and providing relief from discomfort. Research shows that young coconut water can be used as an oral rehydration solution for children with mild diarrhea . However, it should not be used for patients who are severely dehydrated or have developed kidney issues. Azithromycin is the preferred first-line antibiotic for the treatment of acute watery diarrhea , as well as febrile diarrhea and dysentery . Yogurt contains good bacteria which play a key role in keeping the gut healthy.
As avoiding them is one of the best home remedies for loose motion. Everybody knows that drinking alcohol is harmful to health. It directly affects the stool-forming system as more intake of alcohol results in loose motion disbalance. Low residue foods like bananas can help with the weakness and dehydration that might result from the body losing too much fluid. The calories in bananas are in the form of carbohydrates, which provide quick energy to combat weakness brought on by loose motion.
Yogurt is a probiotic that can help regulate the gut bacteria . Along with this, it was also found to help in the treatment and prevention of diarrhea . This may be because they have Irritable Bowel Disorder or other conditions. The antiseptic properties of cumin helps in killing harmful bacteria in the gut and settle irritated intestines. Wash your hands often to prevent bacterial and viral infections from spreading.

They are healthy, but because they have a laxative effect, they may not aid with loose motions. You should avoid foods like milk, cheese, and butter since they contain lactose sugar, which might worsen your symptoms. It is healthful even if you have constipation since it improves digestion and encourages regular bowel movements by replenishing good gut flora.
Sometimes, loose motions are also accompanied with fever. In this article, we will briefly discuss the potential causes of loose motion in babies and effective home remedies to cure loose motion in babies. Fenugreek seeds are also a popular at-home treatment for loose motion and abdominal discomfort, thanks to their antibacterial and antifungal properties. One can take 1-2 teaspoons of dried fenugreek seeds and powder them. The fine powder can be mixed in a glass of water and consumed every day in the morning on an empty stomach.
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